Download Avoiding Breast Cancer While Balancing Your Hormones Ebook

Descriptions Avoiding Breast Cancer While Balancing Your Hormones book

Download Avoiding Breast Cancer While Balancing Your Hormones

Dr. McWherter reveals the steps that you can take to help avoid breast cancer, and how bio-identical hormone replacement can be used without increasing cancer risks. Expalins how a special type of estrogen manufactured in the breast can kill breast cancer cells. Covers how iodine plays a major role in breast health; how detoxification rejuvenates the mind and body while protecting the breast; how thermography can be used in detecting precancerous changes long before they appear on mammograms; how bio-identical hormone replacement can lead to more energy, clearer thinking, weight control, muscle definition, younger-looking skin, stable sleep patterns, better moods, reduced menopausal symptoms, and enhanced sexuality. . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD


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