Download Rings for the Finger (Dover Jewelry and Metalwork) Book

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Download Rings for the Finger (Dover Jewelry and Metalwork)

There is probably no item that is so common to almost all cultures and ages of man, yet so frequently overlooked, as rings. Nearly everyone wears (or has worn) rings; yet what person today could tell you anything about their origins, original uses, history, or even the customs behind modern engagement, wedding, and graduation rings? Here is a book that will answer these and many more questions about rings and is certain to expand and enhance your appreciation of them.
From the fabled ring of Prometheus — made from a link of his chain and a chunk of the rock to which he was bound — up to today, rings have had numerous functions, associations and meanings. Originally used as signets and seals, they began to be worn as jewelry, used for religious and magical purposes, and given as tokens and mementos for events stretching from birth to death. The notorious poison-bearing rings of the Borgias, the rings worn by the followers of Charles I after his execution, which had the king's por . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD


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