While laying in an empty bathtub in a Motel 6 in Vermont, Mike takes a handful of OxyContin and waits for the heart palpitations to kill him. As he starts to fade he reads a text on his phone, “Son, I love you and I need to know that you’re OK.” Struggling to understand why anyone would care about him because of his years of drug abuse, he responds, “Mom, no one can help me.” Then, in a moment of clarity, he decides he wants there to be a tomorrow and to be a part of his family again. He makes the call for help to his mother; the call that saves his life.
S.O.B.E.R.*, an acronym for "Son Of a Bitch Everything’s Real" describes the moment Anita Devlin and her son Mike realize that denying his addiction to pain pills is destroying him. It is the defining moment when they commit to the courageous fight to get their lives back. This is when their family’s road to recovery begins. S.O.B.E.R.* offers a rare glimpse at the daily, all consuming relationship between fami . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD
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