Free Handbook of Beef Safety and Quality Book

Descriptions Handbook of Beef Safety and Quality for Free

Download Handbook of Beef Safety and Quality

Make sure your beef harvest, production, and processing methods meet the highest standards

Handbook of Beef Safety and Quality is a comprehensive guide to the impact and importance of pre-harvest/production, harvest, and further processing controls, methods and practices on safety and quality—with commodity beef as the target market. This unique book was developed with the help of American Meat Science Association members to create a safety and quality handbook for the beef industry as it moves toward a consumer-driven market that values flavor, palatability, convenience, nutrient value, and price. The book also includes an extensive glossary, tables and figures, examples of sensory evaluation ballots, and descriptions of USDA quality grade and age verification requirements.

The public’s increased concerns about food safety and health risks in the wake of numerous instances of food-borne illness in the past 20 years (E. coli, campylobacteriosis, yersiniosis) and the . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD


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